This End Up

Whenever I embark on a new art project, I begin with the material - usually a commonplace object, frequently found in multiples, almost always destined to be discarded. From there I explore. Why does this object appeal to me? How can I transform it from its original purpose? What does it want to become? There is a lot of trial and error. As I experiment with the material, trying any idea that crosses my mind, I begin opening doors to new ways in which I can manipulate the object to create a unique sculptural form.

“This End Up” began with cardboard, specifically partition inserts found in shipping boxes. The simple design of this object appealed to me and I wondered if there was a way that I could utilize its functionality yet obscure its original purpose. While working with the material I never had a design in mind or even a clear idea of what the final form might be. I would allow myself to experiment by assembling, dissembling and reassembling until a sculpture presented itself to me. Almost always I was caught by surprise at what I had created.

I am proud to present this new body of work. “This End Up” represents a departure in my choice of medium but stays true to my interests in reuse in art. I often select materials based solely on what is readily at hand; everything that I used in the creation of this art was easily accessible by me in my day-to-day life. All of the cardboard partitions would have otherwise been placed in the recycling bin by me had I not discovered their potential to become art.

"This End Up" will be on display at Art + Industry 2014 at American Steel Studios in West Oakland this weekend, May 10th and 11th.


This End Up Installed


Studio Joy